Segno’s low level API

segno.make(), segno.make_qr(), and segno.make_micro() return a segno.QRCode instance which implements almost no logic but uses the result of segno.encoder.encode() glued together with the functionality of segno.writers to provide a simple, user-friendly API.

A completely different API is possible by utilizing segno.encoder.encode() which returns just a tuple: (matrix, version, error, mask, segments).

The module segno.writers (expecting just a matrix) is independent of the segno.encoder module and vice versa.


QR Code and Micro QR Code encoder.

“QR Code” and “Micro QR Code” are registered trademarks of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.

segno.encoder.encode(content, error=None, version=None, mode=None, mask=None, encoding=None, eci=False, micro=None, boost_error=True)

Creates a (Micro) QR Code.

See segno.make() for a detailed description of the parameters.

Contrary to make this function returns a named tuple: (matrix, version, error, mask, segments)

Note that version is always an integer referring to the values of the segno.consts constants. error is None iff a M1 QR Code was generated, otherwise it is always an integer.

Return type:namedtuple
segno.encoder.encode_sequence(content, error=None, version=None, mode=None, mask=None, encoding=None, eci=False, boost_error=True, symbol_count=None)

EXPERIMENTAL: Creates a sequence of QR Codes in Structured Append mode.

Returns:Iterable of named tuples, see encode() for details.


Standard serializers and utility functions for serializers.

The serializers are independent of the segno.QRCode (and the segno.encoder.Code) class; they just need a matrix (tuple of bytearrays) and the version constant.

segno.writers.writable(file_or_path, mode, encoding=None)

Returns a writable file-like object.


with writable(file_name_or_path, 'wb') as f:
  • file_or_path – Either a file-like object or a filename.
  • mode (str) – String indicating the writing mode (i.e. 'wb')
segno.writers.write_svg(matrix, version, out, colormap, scale=1, border=None, xmldecl=True, svgns=True, title=None, desc=None, svgid=None, svgclass='segno', lineclass='qrline', omitsize=False, unit=None, encoding='utf-8', svgversion=None, nl=True, draw_transparent=False)

Serializes the QR Code as SVG document.

  • matrix – The matrix to serialize.
  • version (int) – The (Micro) QR code version
  • out – Filename or a file-like object supporting to write bytes.
  • scale – Indicates the size of a single module (default: 1 which corresponds to 1 x 1 pixel per module).
  • border (int) – Integer indicating the size of the quiet zone. If set to None (default), the recommended border size will be used (4 for QR Codes, 2 for a Micro QR Codes).
  • xmldecl (bool) – Inidcates if the XML declaration header should be written (default: True)
  • svgns (bool) – Indicates if the SVG namespace should be written (default: True).
  • title (str) – Optional title of the generated SVG document.
  • desc (str) – Optional description of the generated SVG document.
  • svgid – The ID of the SVG document (if set to None (default), the SVG element won’t have an ID).
  • svgclass – The CSS class of the SVG document (if set to None, the SVG element won’t have a class).
  • lineclass – The CSS class of the path element (which draws the “black” modules (if set to None, the path won’t have a class).
  • omitsize (bool) – Indicates if width and height attributes should be omitted (default: False). If these attributes are omitted, a viewBox attribute will be added to the document.
  • unit (str) – Unit for width / height and other coordinates. By default, the unit is unspecified and all values are in the user space. Valid values: em, ex, px, pt, pc, cm, mm, in, and percentages
  • encoding (str) – Encoding of the XML document. “utf-8” by default.
  • svgversion (float) – SVG version (default: None)
  • nl (bool) – Indicates if the document should have a trailing newline (default: True)
  • draw_transparent (bool) – Indicates if transparent SVG paths should be added to the graphic (default: False)
segno.writers.write_png(matrix, version, out, colormap, scale=1, border=None, compresslevel=9, dpi=None, addad=True)

Serializes the QR Code as PNG image.

By default, the generated PNG will be a greyscale image (black / white) with a bit depth of 1. If different colors are provided, an indexed-color image with the same bit depth is generated unless more than two colors are provided. This may require a bit depth of of 2 or 4.

  • matrix – The matrix to serialize.
  • version (int) – The (Micro) QR code version
  • out – Filename or a file-like object supporting to write bytes.
  • scale – Indicates the size of a single module (default: 1 which corresponds to 1 x 1 pixel per module).
  • border (int) – Integer indicating the size of the quiet zone. If set to None (default), the recommended border size will be used (4 for QR Codes, 2 for a Micro QR Codes).
  • dpi (int) – Optional DPI setting. By default (None), the PNG won’t have any DPI information. Note that the DPI value is converted into meters since PNG does not support any DPI information.
  • compresslevel (int) – Integer indicating the compression level (default: 9). 1 is fastest and produces the least compression, 9 is slowest and produces the most. 0 is no compression.
  • colormap (dict) – Optional module type -> color mapping. If provided, the color and background arguments are ignored. All undefined module types will have the default colors (light: white, dark: black). See color for valid color values. None is accepted as valid color value as well (becomes transparent).
segno.writers.write_eps(matrix, version, out, scale=1, border=None, dark='#000', light=None)

Serializes the QR Code as EPS document.

  • matrix – The matrix to serialize.
  • version (int) – The (Micro) QR code version
  • out – Filename or a file-like object supporting to write strings.
  • scale – Indicates the size of a single module (default: 1 which corresponds to 1 point (1/72 inch) per module).
  • border (int) – Integer indicating the size of the quiet zone. If set to None (default), the recommended border size will be used (4 for QR Codes, 2 for a Micro QR Codes).
  • dark – Color of the modules (default: black). The color can be provided as (R, G, B) tuple (this method acceppts floats as R, G, B values), as web color name (like “red”) or in hexadecimal format (#RGB or #RRGGBB).
  • light – Optional background color (default: None = no background color). See color for valid values.
segno.writers.write_pdf(matrix, version, out, scale=1, border=None, dark='#000', light=None, compresslevel=9)

Serializes the QR Code as PDF document.

  • matrix – The matrix to serialize.
  • version (int) – The (Micro) QR code version
  • out – Filename or a file-like object supporting to write bytes.
  • scale – Indicates the size of a single module (default: 1 which corresponds to 1 x 1 pixel per module).
  • border (int) – Integer indicating the size of the quiet zone. If set to None (default), the recommended border size will be used (4 for QR Codes, 2 for a Micro QR Codes).
  • dark – Color of the modules (default: black). The color can be provided as (R, G, B) tuple, as web color name (like “red”) or in hexadecimal format (#RGB or #RRGGBB).
  • light – Optional background color (default: None = no background color). See color for valid values.
  • compresslevel (int) – Integer indicating the compression level (default: 9). 1 is fastest and produces the least compression, 9 is slowest and produces the most. 0 is no compression.
segno.writers.write_txt(matrix, version, out, border=None, dark='1', light='0')

Serializes QR code in a text format.

  • matrix – The matrix to serialize.
  • version (int) – The (Micro) QR code version
  • out – Filename or a file-like object supporting to write text.
  • border (int) – Integer indicating the size of the quiet zone. If set to None (default), the recommended border size will be used (4 for QR Codes, 2 for a Micro QR Codes).
  • dark – Character to use for the black modules (default: ‘1’)
  • light – Character to use for the white modules (default: ‘0’)
segno.writers.write_pbm(matrix, version, out, scale=1, border=None, plain=False)

Serializes the matrix as PBM image.

  • matrix – The matrix to serialize.
  • version (int) – The (Micro) QR code version
  • out – Filename or a file-like object supporting to write binary data.
  • scale – Indicates the size of a single module (default: 1 which corresponds to 1 x 1 pixel per module).
  • border (int) – Integer indicating the size of the quiet zone. If set to None (default), the recommended border size will be used (4 for QR Codes, 2 for a Micro QR Codes).
  • plain (bool) – Indicates if a P1 (ASCII encoding) image should be created (default: False). By default a (binary) P4 image is created.
segno.writers.write_pam(matrix, version, out, scale=1, border=None, dark='#000', light='#fff')

Serializes the matrix as PAM image.

  • matrix – The matrix to serialize.
  • version (int) – The (Micro) QR code version
  • out – Filename or a file-like object supporting to write binary data.
  • scale – Indicates the size of a single module (default: 1 which corresponds to 1 x 1 pixel per module).
  • border (int) – Integer indicating the size of the quiet zone. If set to None (default), the recommended border size will be used (4 for QR Codes, 2 for a Micro QR Codes).
  • dark – Color of the modules (default: black). The color can be provided as (R, G, B) tuple, as web color name (like “red”) or in hexadecimal format (#RGB or #RRGGBB).
  • light – Optional background color (default: white). See color for valid values. In addition, None is accepted which indicates a transparent background.
segno.writers.write_xpm(matrix, version, out, scale=1, border=None, dark='#000', light='#fff', name='img')

Serializes the matrix as XPM image.

  • matrix – The matrix to serialize.
  • version (int) – The (Micro) QR code version
  • out – Filename or a file-like object supporting to write binary data.
  • scale – Indicates the size of a single module (default: 1 which corresponds to 1 x 1 pixel per module).
  • border (int) – Integer indicating the size of the quiet zone. If set to None (default), the recommended border size will be used (4 for QR Codes, 2 for a Micro QR Codes).
  • dark – Color of the modules (default: black). The color can be provided as (R, G, B) tuple, as web color name (like “red”) or in hexadecimal format (#RGB or #RRGGBB).
  • light – Optional background color (default: white). See color for valid values. None indicates a transparent background.
  • name (str) – Name of the image (must be a valid C-identifier). Default: “img”.
segno.writers.write_xbm(matrix, version, out, scale=1, border=None, name='img')

Serializes the matrix as XBM image.

  • matrix – The matrix to serialize.
  • version (int) – The (Micro) QR code version
  • out – Filename or a file-like object supporting to write text data.
  • scale – Indicates the size of a single module (default: 1 which corresponds to 1 x 1 in the provided unit per module).
  • border (int) – Integer indicating the size of the quiet zone. If set to None (default), the recommended border size will be used (4 for QR Codes, 2 for a Micro QR Codes).
  • name – Prefix for the variable names. Default: “img”. The prefix is used to construct the variable names: `#define <prefix>_width` `static unsigned char <prefix>_bits[]`
segno.writers.write_tex(matrix, version, out, scale=1, border=None, dark='black', unit='pt', url=None)

Serializes the matrix as LaTeX PGF picture.

Requires the PGF/TikZ package (i.e. \usepackage{pgf}) in the LaTeX source.

  • matrix – The matrix to serialize.
  • version (int) – The (Micro) QR code version
  • out – Filename or a file-like object supporting to write text data.
  • scale – Indicates the size of a single module (default: 1 which corresponds to 1 x 1 in the provided unit per module).
  • border (int) – Integer indicating the size of the quiet zone. If set to None (default), the recommended border size will be used (4 for QR Codes, 2 for a Micro QR Codes).
  • dark (str) – LaTeX color name. The color name is taken at it is, so ensure that it refers either to a default color name or that the color was defined previously.
  • unit – Unit of the drawing (default: pt)
  • url – Optional URL where the QR Code should point to. Requires the “hyperref” package. Default: None.
segno.writers.write_terminal(matrix, version, out, border=None)

Function to write to a terminal which supports ANSI escape codes.

  • matrix – The matrix to serialize.
  • version (int) – The (Micro) QR code version.
  • out – Filename or a file-like object supporting to write text.
  • border (int) – Integer indicating the size of the quiet zone. If set to None (default), the recommended border size will be used (4 for QR Codes, 2 for a Micro QR Codes).


Utility functions useful for writers or QR Code objects.


Returns the default border size (quiet zone) for the provided version.

Parameters:version (int) – 1 .. 40 or a Micro QR Code version constant.
Return type:int
segno.utils.get_border(version, border)

Returns border if not None, otherwise the default border size for the provided QR Code.

  • version (int) – 1 .. 40 or a Micro QR Code version constant
  • border (int or None) – The size of the quiet zone or None.
Return type:


segno.utils.get_symbol_size(version, scale=1, border=None)

Returns the symbol size (width x height) with the provided border and scaling factor.

  • version (int) – A version constant.
  • scale (int or float) – Indicates the size of a single module (default: 1). The size of a module depends on the used output format; i.e. in a PNG context, a scaling factor of 2 indicates that a module has a size of 2 x 2 pixel. Some outputs (i.e. SVG) accept floating point values.
  • border (int) – The border size or None to specify the default quiet zone (4 for QR Codes, 2 for Micro QR Codes).
Return type:

tuple (width, height)


Raises a ValueError iff scale is negative or zero.

Parameters:scale (float or int) – Scaling factor.

Raises a ValueError iff border is negative.

Parameters:border (int) – Indicating the size of the quiet zone.
segno.utils.matrix_to_lines(matrix, x, y, incby=1)

Converts the matrix into an iterable of ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) tuples which represent a sequence (horizontal line) of dark modules.

The path starts at the 1st row of the matrix and moves down to the last row.

  • matrix – An iterable of bytearrays.
  • x – Initial position on the x-axis.
  • y – Initial position on the y-axis.
  • incby – Value to move along the y-axis (default: 1).
Return type:

iterable of (x1, y1), (x2, y2) tuples

segno.utils.matrix_iter(matrix, version, scale=1, border=None)

Returns an iterator / generator over the provided matrix which includes the border and the scaling factor.

If either the scale or border value is invalid, a ValueError is raised.

  • matrix – An iterable of bytearrays.
  • version (int) – A version constant.
  • scale (int) – The scaling factor (default: 1).
  • border (int) – The border size or None to specify the default quiet zone (4 for QR Codes, 2 for Micro QR Codes).

ValueError if an illegal scale or border value is provided

segno.utils.matrix_iter_verbose(matrix, version, scale=1, border=None)

EXPERIMENTAL: Returns an iterator / generator over the provided matrix which includes the border and the scaling factor.

This iterator / generator returns different values for dark / light modules and therefor the different parts (like the finder patterns, alignment patterns etc.) are distinguishable. If this information isn’t necessary, use the matrix_iter() function because it is much cheaper and faster.

If either the scale or border value is invalid, a py:exc:ValueError is raised.

  • matrix – An iterable of bytearrays.
  • version (int) – A version constant.
  • scale (int) – The scaling factor (default: 1).
  • border (int) – The border size or None to specify the default quiet zone (4 for QR Codes, 2 for Micro QR Codes).

ValueError if an illegal scale or border value is provided