Structured Append

The Structured Append mode can be used to split a message across several QR Codes (it’s not available for Micro QR Codes).

Segno provides a special factory function, segno.make_sequence(), to create a sequence of (up to 16) QR Codes. The function returns instances of segno.QRCodeSequence.

Structured Append by QR Code version

To create a sequence of QR Codes, the QR Code version must be specified. The number of symbols is automatically determined by the QR Code version.

>>> import segno
>>> seq = segno.make_sequence('I read the news today oh boy', version=1)
>>> len(seq)
>>> # Creates "a-day-in-the-life-02-01.svg" and "a-day-in-the-life-02-02.svg"
>>>'a-day-in-the-life.svg', scale=10)

If the provided content fits into one QR Code, the sequence behaves like a segno.QRCode instance.

>>> import segno
>>> seq = segno.make_sequence('I read', version=1)
>>> len(seq)
>>> seq.designator
>>> # Creates "a-day-in-the-life.svg"
>>>'a-day-in-the-life.svg', scale=10)

Structured Append by number of symbols

The number of desired QR Code symbols may be specified directly. The utilized QR Code version is automatically determined by the number of symbols.

>>> import segno
>>> seq = segno.make_sequence('Day after day, alone on the hill', symbol_count=4)
>>> [qr.designator for qr in seq]
['1-Q', '1-Q', '1-Q', '1-Q']
>>> seq = segno.make_sequence('Day after day, alone on the hill', symbol_count=2)
>>> [qr.designator for qr in seq]
['2-Q', '2-Q']
>>> seq = segno.make_sequence('Day after day, alone on the hill', symbol_count=6)
>>> [qr.designator for qr in seq]
['1-Q', '1-Q', '1-H', '1-H', '1-H', '1-H']