QR Code and Micro QR Code serialization

A QR Code or Micro QR Code is independent of its output, it’s just a matrix. To save a QR Code or Micro QR Code, Segno provides several output formats.

Segno provides a segno.QRCode.save() method to serialize the (Micro) QR Code in different formats:

>>> import segno
>>> qr = segno.make('Polly')
>>> qr.save('polly.svg')
>>> qr.save('polly.png')
>>> qr.save('polly.eps')

All serializers accept a border parameter which indicates the “quiet zone” of a (Micro) QR Code. If border is None, the default border (quiet zone) size will be used. If the resulting (Micro) QR Code should have no border or a custom border, you may specify the border

>>> import segno
>>> qr = segno.make('Vampire Blues')
>>> qr.save('vampire-blues.svg', border=0)  # No border
>>> qr.save('vampire-blues.png', border=10)  # Bigger border

Most serializers accept a scale parameter which indicates the scaling factor of the serialization. By default, the scaling factor is 1 which means that the dark / light modules of a (Micro) QR Code is interpreted as one unit in the specific user space (i.e. 1 pixel for the PNG serializer or 1 point (1/72 of an inch) in EPS). Some serializers (like PNG) accept only an integer value or convert the provided scaling factor to an integer. Other, like SVG and EPS, accept float values and do not “downgrade” it to an integer.

>>> import segno
>>> qr = segno.make_qr('The Beatles')
>>> qr.save('the-beatles.png', scale=1.2)   # No scaling at all since int(1.2) is 1
>>> qr.save('the-beatles-2.png', scale=10)  # 1 module == 10 pixels
>>> qr.save('the-beatles.svg', scale=1.2)   # SVG accepts float values
>>> # The SVG serializer provides the "unit" parameter to specify
>>> # how to interpret the values
>>> qr.save('the-beatles-2.svg', scale=10, unit='mm')  # 1 unit = 1 mm
>>> qr.save('the-beatles-2.svg', unit='cm')  # 1 unit = 1 cm, result as above

Many serializers accept the parameters color and background to specify the color of the dark modules and light modules (background). See Colors for details.

>>> import segno
>>> qr = segno.make('Neil Young')
>>> qr.save('neil-young.svg', color='darkblue', background='yellow')
>>> qr.save('neil-young.png', color='#ccc')
>>> qr.save('neil-young-2.png', background=None)  # Transparent background
>>> # Dark modules = transparent, light modules = black
>>> qr.save('neil-young-3.png', color=None, background='black')
>>> # Dark modules with alpha transparency
>>> qr.save('neil-young-4.png', color='#0000ffcc')
>>> qr.save('neil-young-4.svg', color='#00fc')  # Same as above but SVG
>>> # Anonther color, save as compressed SVG
>>> qr.save('neil-young-5.svgz', color=(8, 90, 117))

See segno.QRCode.save() for a complete reference which parameters are accepted by the specific serializer.